guv Documentation ================= .. note:: The documentation is currently in very active developemnt and not yet complete. Please keep checking back for updates and filing issues for missing sections or suggestions for enhancement. Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: How does guv work? librarysupport modules Introduction ------------ guv is a fast networking library and WSGI server (like gevent/eventlet) for **Python >= 3.2 and pypy3** The event loop backend is pyuv_cffi_, which aims to be fully compatible with the pyuv_ interface. pyuv_cffi is fully supported on CPython and pypy3. libuv_ >= 1.0.0 is required. Asynchronous DNS queries are supported via dnspython3. To forcefully disable greendns, set the environment variable ``GUV_NO_GREENDNS`` to any value. guv currently only runs on POSIX-compliant operating systems, but Windows support is not far off and can be added in the near future if there is a demand for this. This library is actively maintained and has a zero bug policy. Please submit issues and pull requests, and bugs will be fixed immediately. **This project is under active development and any help is appreciated.** Quickstart ---------- Since guv is currently in alpha release state and under active development, it is recommended to pull often and install manually:: git clone cd guv python install Note: libuv_ >= 1.0.0 is required. This is the first stable version but is a recent release and may not be available in Debian/Ubuntu stable repositories, so you must compile and install manually. Serve your WSGI app using guv directly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import guv; guv.monkey_patch() import guv.wsgi app = if __name__ == '__main__': server_sock = guv.listen(('', 8001)) guv.wsgi.serve(server_sock, app) Serve your WSGI app using guv with gunicorn_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: gunicorn -w 4 -b -k guv.GuvWorker wsgi_app:app Note: you can use wrk_ to benchmark the performance of guv. Crawl the web: efficiently make multiple "simultaneous" requests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import guv; guv.monkey_patch() import requests def get_url(url): print('get_url({})'.format(url)) return requests.get(url) def main(): urls = [''] * 10 urls += [''] * 10 pool = guv.GreenPool() results = pool.starmap(get_url, zip(urls)) for i, resp in enumerate(results): print('{}: done, length: {}'.format(i, len(resp.text))) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Guarantees ---------- This library makes the following guarantees: * `Semantic versioning`_ is strictly followed * Compatible with Python >= 3.2.0 and PyPy3 >= 2.3.1 (Python 3.2.5) Testing ------- guv uses the excellent **tox** and **pytest** frameworks. To run all tests, run in the project root:: $ pip install pytest $ py.test .. _pyuv: .. _pyuv_cffi: .. _libuv: .. _gunicorn: .. _Semantic versioning: .. _wrk: